Thursday, March 02, 2006

Illustration Friday - "Tea"

I am fascinated with the "Illustration Friday" website where people post links to illustrations that they have created for a theme, posted each Friday. I signed up to get the assigned theme for the week and last Friday it was announced that "tea" was the theme. It has been a busy week, I didn't get around to creating something. Then I realized, today, that I have a piece that qualifies. So very late in the week (the next theme comes out tomorrow!) here is "tea".


  1. Welcome, Terry! This is a beautiful still life. "Tea" is a nice first theme for you. Looking forward to seeing what you do next week.

  2. Welcome to IF! :)
    Very nice drawing, and a lovely teapot, too!

  3. very nice. i enjoy how the two oranges balance the other orange within the still life.

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    beautiful! love the pattern on the teapot

  5. Gorgeous work! Very professional!

  6. Looks like CALICO teapot, So nice work. It is nice to get inspired like this ...... Lovely still life.
