Monday, July 31, 2006

I wish you could smell these

The big white lilies are blooming. We usually don't bring them into the house because they are so wonderful out in the yard, but this bunch toppled over and the stem was bent beyond repair, so Ray cut it and brought it in. They are huge. The only vase I own that is tall enough is this tall (at least 18") Japanese vase. It was a wedding gift from the owner of the furniture store where I worked at the time. I have always loved it. Two of my mother's mud men seem to belong to the scene. the scent is wafting through the entire house.

I have finally gotten free of my accounting/bookkeeping job—just yesterday. It is a feeling of freedom and relief. I lay awake last night planning the quilts I am going to make. You may see some fabric here in the near future!


  1. Lilies are my favourites! I can smell them from here :)

  2. Those lilies are beautiful and they look great in that vase!

  3. Yeah!! Lets go shop for fabric. Oh, yeah! We are goingin a couple of weeks. Can't wait.

  4. oh I can! I have some in my house right now and I thought for a minute that the honeysuckle was wafting through the house on a hot summer night, but alas, it was the fragrance of the lillies my neighbor had given me ;)
