Thursday, January 06, 2011

The silly goes on

I am enjoying the silly drawing class, even though we are only on day 2 of 30 (I think...) And thank goodness for the class or I would have nothing to post about today. You would be forced to hear about my teeth cleaning, which was the high point of my day today. Actually, I do just have to take a moment to say (regarding the teeth cleaning) I was kind of surprised to learn how attached I have become to my regular hygienist, Brandi. I had someone new today—Kristen. Very nice, Kristen, but I was disturbed. Where was Brandi? She's my regular person! What if she moved away?! What if she just changed jobs and she is cleaning teeth somewhere else! I took a deep breath, swallowed my fears, and asked,  

"where's Brandi?"

Medical leave. "Oh god! Is she OK?"  She's fine and will be back next week.Kristen did a good job with my cleaning, but she's no Brandi..

Now for something silly.
Today's assignment was to add a topper to a goblet of saspy, which according to our teacher, Carla Sonheim, aka "the Squeen," is a beverage consisting of soda water and sauerkraut.

Here were today's instructions:
On the other side of the page was the basic drink to be worked on.
What can I say? Silly fun. By the way, if you want to take a look at any of the rest of the class work, there is a Flickr site where we post them here.


  1. Anonymous1:45 AM

    love your silly drawing!

  2. As always...your drawings are so charming. I am enjoying your posts! Can't wait to see more!

  3. I just hope Kristen doesn't read your blog.

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    did you know that the average length of employment (of a hygienist) in any one office 2 years....then we tend to move if you have been able to depend on the same hygienist for enough time to begin to expect the same one ...then you probably go to a good dentist...cause that's we stay...Ginger....RDH...but would rather be learning how to draw...or at least sketch

  5. totally get the attachment with they hygenist. I would change dentist to keep seeing my hygentist! She caters to cowards...I love that about her! love the drawing!


  6. Linda6:51 PM

    Nice little drawing. Just enough silliness, not too much! Did you use markers or pencils?

  7. 3 cheers for Saspy!!

  8. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I'm surprised by what Anna said there. Only 2 years? Well, I'm glad that my dentist (Clemson, SC-based) still has my hygienist in the clinic. The next time we meet, I'm gonna ask him when my hygienist first joined his practice. I bet it was a long time ago. My Clemson dentist is good in taking care of his patients AND his staff, so it wouldn't be a surprise if it is so.

    Anyway, try asking the people in the clinic, Terry. Inquire about how long Brandi has been part of their team. And yeah, the drawing's really nice.
