Oh my! This was an interesting topic to consider! I am a worrier. I don't want to be. I try not to be, but it creeps in. Better, I thought, to assign those worries to an official "worrier." Here are our offerings for this week. Hope they are not too much of a downer!
The Worrier
My inner worrier comes out at night. She is a sad, humorless old woman, much older and sadder than I.
at you." She says accusingly, "what have you done with your life? I
doubt that anything you've ever done means anything to anyone. Your
children will find you a burden as you grow older. You will end up dependent on them. Don't you think that
pain in your back is something horrible? I'm pretty sure it is. Fatal,
no doubt. And that spot on your shoulder?—pretty sure that's skin
cancer. Did you forget to lock the back door? I think you did. Robbers
are probably carrying away your camera and your computer and your TV set
even as we talk. And I think the cat has fleas again. He was
scratching. And, by the way, I think you missed the deadline to enter
that show. Oh well, you won't get in anyway. With all the rain I wonder
which tree is going to fall and crush your house, killing you in your
bed? If the tree doesn't do it, it will probably be Cooper Mountain
giving way and sliding right over top of you, just like that mudslide up
in Washington. Doesn't seem like you will have enough money for taxes
this year."
"But don't mind me—you just need to get to sleep now. Oh,
wait—Do I smell gas???"
iPad, Sketch Club app, Glaze app, New Trent Arcadia stylus
Worry, Family History
The family history of Ms. Digital Homework is as follows.
Digital Homework, working backward up the family tree, was begat by Finish/Not Finish who was married to Foolish. Foolish was the result of the union of Snort and No Snort. No Snort was the union of Mocking, who was begat by Embarrassed and Won't Know. Things get confused here because Won't know also begat Mocking who married No Snort.
On the other side of the family, Digital Homework's parent, you remember, was Finish/Not Finish. Not Finish was the result of the union of No Exercise and Exercise. No Exercise was begat by Weak and Fat. Exercise was begat by Tired and Sore. Sore was the result of the union of Cry and Quit.
Again, the lines get a bit tangled, as Cry seemed to have unionized with Quit, and Quit made a union with Embarrassed, whom you remember was also tied to Won't Know and they begat No Snort. But Cry also seemed to have married, on the side, Cry (2) who appeared out of nowhere.
And thus began the Family of Worry. And God created Worry and saw that it was Good."
Ta-ta, jou
Art Rage, Wacom pen, on PC
Next week's challenge: Snack Time