Seems like a lot of things have come together all at the same time. I'm feeling really "out there" this month. Unplanned, but it has made for some nice excitement here.
First, the article and pattern for my little sculptural birds that was first published in 2009 has been republished in a new Quilting Arts publication called "Make It". It is great to see that they are still viable and pleases me that people continue to enjoy them.
Then came a copy of a Dutch Magazine called Quilt & Zo, with an interview, photos of my work, and a little project I designed for them.
This was so fun! I wrote it all in English, of course, but the magazine is written in Dutch. I'm not sure my work has ever been translated into another language before. Ray showed the magazine to Sofia, who began reading it aloud, then stopped and said, " what does this mean? It makes no sense!" I am really impressed by how beautifully this article is put together and just sorry my US friends don't have access to it. If you go to their website ( ) and are using a device with Flash player, you can see more of the magazine by clicking the little cover image.
And finally, but maybe most exciting of all, my first article for the beautiful online magazine Through Our Hands, is in the new issue. I will be writing regularly for this quarterly publication.
This is a real thrill for me. The UK based 'zine is the creation of Laura Kemshall and Annabel Rainbow, two artists I have long admired. I love the beautiful, artful focus of the publication. You can read the entire magazine online, even subscribe for free. So much to love here!
This makes me really happy. Really happy!