Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Little booklet

Our little group that went to the beach last weekend existed for many years without a name. Finally at last year's retreat we decided we needed to get serious and after much discussion, and with the help of a couple bottles of wine, settled on "The Grateful Thread". We also liked S.T.A.S.H. ( Second Tuesday at Somebody's House) but agreed that non-quilters have a different association for the word "stash" which might lead to some embarrassment.

Every year I make a little booklet for each member that lists the dates and locations of our meetings and the names, addresses, phone and e-mail of each of the members. I got a PageMaker template for these clever little folded booklets years ago from the Adobe web site. It isn't there any more, but you can find the instructions on how to fold the booklet from a single sheet of paper here. Scroll down the page to the booklet called "Half cut book". That's the one.

It's a tiny little booklet that fits handily in your purse or even your wallet -- 2 3/4" x 4 1/4". It is all printed on a single sheet of letter-sized paper. I created a Publisher template to share. If you want a copy, e-mail me and I will send you one.

This is what it looks like before you fold it into booklet form.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I can´t resist. Isn´t there is similar connotation to "The Greatful Thread"? as there was to STASH. Is there something about your past you are ready to share with me? Is the quilt thing just a coverup for listening to the grateful dead and ...
