Friday, September 26, 2008

I don't know who this guy is . . .

But I sure do get what he's saying.


  1. This is absolutely brilliant! Yes, vote for the smart guy.


  2. And don't vote for the guy who just last week said - well Economics is not my thing. Geee - that's not smart!!!!

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    That's what we need: A Nerd We Can Believe In! Would be a great bumper sticker.

  4. Awesome! I'd like to assume that the people who run our country are actually qualified to do so and it pains me every time I realize that perfectly average me is a whole lot smarter than the people in charge.

    My response to this guy: "True dat!"

  5. I *loved* this and sent the URL to everyone I know. (All the smart people, that is.) He has other good ones on youtube, too. Thanks for sharing it!

  6. Anonymous10:17 PM

    This has gotta be shared, all round. Thanks, Terry. June

    We might even skip the wedgie and the locker and grow to believe in intelligence....

  7. I loved it. I shared it. Funny but true.
    I plan to send my Financial Crisis Solution to a nerd. See my blog today.

  8. Anonymous9:55 PM

    The one- and only one- redeeming aspect of being poor is that I am relatively unaffected by all the ruckus, fear and paranoia that has permeated our country. After all, when you make a smidge over minimum wage, ya ain't got much to lose, right? Right.
    Great video- Finding ouut just how qualified each candidate is (all 10 I think?) would be a full-time job in itself. How anyone is supposed to make a truly "informed" decision is beyond me.

  9. Thank you for this post. I enjoyed this guy's comments - put in a funny but too-true way.
