Sunday, September 07, 2008

Up on the wall

So, it's one thing to say you're just going to hang a big old quilt up high on a wall—it's another thing to figure out the logistics and then actually do it. Usually I hang quilts by using a piece of lattice molding that goes through a sleeve on the back. The lattice has holes drilled in each end that slip over screws that have been put into the wall. For a quilt this large, I decided the lattice needed at least 3 points of support so I split the sleeve in the back and drilled a 3rd hole in the center. Then, how to measure and get those screws waaaaay up there on the wall in all the right places? We decided we needed a second piece of wood that already had the carefully placed screws in it that would then be attached to the wall for the quilt to hang on.

Here's Ray up on his tall ladder measuring and leveling the mounting board. After some head scratching and high level mathmatics we figured out that finding the center of the board, and the center of the wall, then matching the two up was much easier than measuring from each side of a sloping wall! Duh.

We rolled the quilt from the bottom to make it easier to handle and up the ladder Ray went once again.

The hanging rod holes slipped easily onto the protruding screws. Slick.

Ray carefully unrolled the quilt as he came down the ladder. It looked great, but then we noticed that the unpainted board showed at each end of the quilt, so Ray went back up the ladder, handed the quilt down and painted the ends of the board.

He's still smiling!

Finished! I love it.


  1. perfect!
    what a great space to hang your quilts.
    can't wait to see a different one hanging there every couple of months?

  2. It looks great and the wall color does too.

  3. Great job - great quilt. And great quilt hanger - he is a good sport.

  4. Beauitful fall quilt against an awesome wall. It looks fantastic. I am inviting you to participate in a Fall into Fall Quilters Blog giveaway that I am hosting. Come on over and check it out.

  5. Fabulous. I am so glad you finished this old quilt and have hung it in your new home. I can't wait to see it.

  6. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Looks Great! Ain't it nice having that kind of wall space?


  7. It looks great, but I think it has to come down 1/4 inch. Do you think Ray will mind going up the ladder again? :-)

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM


  9. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I love it, too. And I've always loved Ray! He's just about the best sport ever!

  10. Anonymous7:33 PM

    That quilt looks perfect there!!


  11. Great! Can you send Ray to my house next?

  12. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Absolutely perfect! Funny, that lady calling it an "ugly old thing". Beauty really is in the eye, huh? I can't imagine there are too many quilters who would have turned that quilt away!

  13. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I love it, too. Lucky you, to have a DH that can still climb on a ladder and measure.

  14. Christine beat me to it! Seriously, it looks great there.

  15. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Formidable! How serendipitous that the size and design should fit the space so perfectly.

  16. wow........what a production, but well worth it!
