Friday, May 08, 2009

And yet again

It is so useful take pictures of your work and really look at them. I think when you look at the actual piece you tend to see what your vision was and not necessarily the reality. The flaws reveal themselves in photographs.

After I posted that last picture I realized that there was just too, too much going on there. That red-ish strip at the top just leapt off the screen. The plaid—naw, not so good today. Surgery was called for. Stat. I whacked it down to a near square, just about 8" and finished the edges. I like this so much better. Better photo too.

And so it goes—


  1. better!! Now, I can see berries. There was something about the binding that pulled me away or made them seem odd.

  2. Wow, I miss a day of making the rounds and so much happens. I liked your first Marionberries, and as a lover of commercial fabrics, I was happy to see the plaid (although I'll admit that maybe teh binding wasn't the perfect place for it). This post surgery version is lovely though and definitely focuses on the berries -- which is, of course, the point. :-)

  3. It takes a lot to cut down a piece but you had the right instincts. Looks fabulous now!

  4. Interesting process! I just looked at all three of your posts in reverse order, and thought to myself "dang, I liked the first one best." Which turned out to be, of course, the latest one.

  5. I loved it before but LOVE it more now! Sometimes more is better, excpet with chocolate cake!

  6. Much better Terry. I too looked in reverse order and I like the last one best. The red berries are now the focal point, as they should be.

  7. What a difference. I love the last post.

  8. Now it's much better-the plaid was no good. Most of my stuff could use a good whacking so I got where you were going. I don't know why we sometimes think that more is better.

  9. Incredibly beautiful! If you lived on the same coast as I do, I would love to take classes with you. Do you design all of these yourself? If I wanted to try this type of quilting, where should I begin?

  10. Fabulous! The plaid was one of the ideas that was interesting, but just not right for this particular piece. Thanks for posting the update!

  11. Oops, I meant to say "the plaid was one of THOSE ideas that was interesting"

    Funny how one word changes the tone of the sentence!

    (I'm up past my bedtime ;^)

  12. Barbara, you live in an area where there are a wealth of wonderful art quilters. I have a good friend, who is a wonderful fabric artist who moved to Wash. DC a couple years ago. Email me privately--there's an email link in my profile. Perhaps I can facilitate a meeting. She could certainly direct you to local resources and classes.

  13. Anonymous7:14 PM

    what a difference! love that you followed your gut!
