Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hump day

You know—Wednesday—middle of the work week. Once Wednesday is over, you're "over the hump." But now that I am mostly retired I'm no longer certain where the hump is, so maybe it's just "Wednesday" now. Hmm.
Now, about the Valentines drawing. I know you are all breathlessly awaiting the results, so now that you know the really important results (who got eliminated from American Idol tonight) you can check here for these results.
I will be sending Valentine cards to:
  • atet
  • suze
  • Joyce
  • lalheg
  • Lisa Flowers Ross

The winner of the little valentine quilt is Del.

Please email me with your snail mail address and real/full name and I will send these right out. Thanks to everyone for playing along with my little giveaway!


Well, phooey. I have Sofia's first bath pictures to post (omg, what is cuter than a naked baby?!), but all Blogger will do is give me that little box with the red x in it. I'll try again later.
Woohoo! It finally worked. How cute is this? Sofia had just lost her umbilical cord remnant when Emily was whisked off to the hospital, so she had to wait nearly a week for her first real tub bath. It started a little rocky and she complained bitterly, but, as you can see, by the time Em got to the back washing part she was with the program. Who doesn't love having their back washed?

She seemed pretty happy about the whole thing by the time we were finished.


  1. that's a beautiful in the sink brings back such fun memories. Thanks

  2. I'm so jealous of you having such a cute little baby around to bath and hug. Ours are mostly teenagers already, and I mean the grandchildren. Sigh.

  3. OH! She's going to have alot to say, just look at that smirk!

    Darling, darling pics...don't be bashful about posting them, we'll love from afar.

  4. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Little Sofia is so cute! Emily looks like she is doing 100% better...I'm glad both are doing well! Give little Sofia a kiss from me!


  5. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Absolutely don't be shy about posting pics, because you're right about nothing being as cute as a nekid baby! I love seeing all these sweet grandbabies we are so in love with.

  6. This is my lucky day! I will treasure your little quilt. But I do wish I had such a delicious little armful to call GrandGirl! She is bound to be the delight of your life. Thx, Del

  7. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Oh, she is so precious! Your pictures are adorable!

  8. Awwwww, she's adorable! She almost makes me want to be a nana!

  9. So special!!How wonderful!

  10. Her face shows so much character already. She's gonna be a handful!

  11. That smile -- oh, that smile! What a cutie. Thanks for the warm fuzzy!

  12. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Tell Emily she looks like a pro at giving Sofia a bath! Sofia will be ready for her bath in the sink at the Cabin!
