The crowds were brutal and, as is more and more the case, a number of people brought their dogs. (Because dogs enjoy art so much—?) I saw one poor dog snap at a man who brushed by him. The dog's mortified owner apologized profusely and kept repeating, "he's never done that before." Can't imagine the dogs were enjoying the crowds any more than I was. There are some places dogs don't belong. (Don't get me started about the folks who bring their dogs to Home Depot . . .)

We didn't buy any art, but we walked downtown from there, got a cold coffee beverage and managed to find a few things at Meier and Frank's (soon to become Macy's) Labor Day Sale—another Labor Day tradition!
What's up with the dog thing? I see more and more on the ferries, having a stroke at the seagulls sailing above the tourists and I nearly choked when I saw a woman pushing a baby stroller containing 2 bulldogs through Nordstroms.