We got home from Idaho Sunday night and I feel like I still have not recovered from all the fun. That much fun, by the way, is actually a lot of hard work. Especially for our hosts, Steve and Brenda. Steve had to do all the prep work for the roofing job, load up shingles, etc. Brenda had to plan and buy food (and cook it). She always feeds us so well. I tried to contribute, but it was still a lot of work for Brenda. And I saw the laundry baskets full of used sheets and towels she took home from the cabin—lotta work. We really appreciate it! Someday we all ought to take a vacation somewhere where we are waited on hand and foot and we needn't lift a finger. I hear cruises are like that. Probably isn't going to happen. This is a crazy family that thinks putting a roof on the cabin is a vacation. This is what Ray and Steve did when they came off the roof. Work.
This is what Emily did for fun—made pies. You can see by the way she is holding her mouth that this requires concentration.

I took along the materials and tools to make rubber stamps. I wanted to make some for my own use and thought maybe the non-roofers would enjoy making a stamp as well. My niece Steffie made several. Emily, Jessica and Jamie also made stamps.

Here are some of our stamps. Below is a piece of fabric used to try out the stamps with fabric paint. Steffi's leaf was especially successful, I thought.

I made the ladybug stamp and stamped a onesie for Sofia. Emily made a stamp that reads "hecha in Ecuador" (made in Ecuador) and we stenciled an Ecuadorean flag on another onesie and stamped the "hecha in Ecuador" stamp on it.

So, now we are home and I am finally finishing up the laundry and still putting things away. I ran the car through a carwash this morning and vacuumed the travel crud out of it. It's 11 am and I'm ready for a nap. Does it take nearly a week to recover from a week's vacation? I must be getting old and don't bounce back as quickly. Sure was fun, though.
Hmmm. Something about the way Emily holds her mouth reminds me of her mother (in the barefoot sewing picture). I bet that trick works for many domestic arts!