Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Woo hoo!

Look what I did! With Deb's help I figured out how to add a banner to my blog. It only took me about 5 hours and a lot of sweat, and swearing and teeth grinding. I may want to adjust the color, but now that it is actually there, that part is relatively easy. I am such a nerd. (She said with pride)


  1. You go girl!!
    Looks very nice...I may have to change mine now...(I have no excuses either...I DO know how to do it)

  2. Way to go Terry! I don't have a clue how to do it either, but one day hopefully I'll figure it out. For now I have the pretty pink template that you love so much. hehe ;)

  3. Yay Terry!!!
    It looks beautiful - you did a great job!
    Nerds UNITE!! :-D

  4. it looks fabulous! one day i'll take the time to learn to do this.

  5. Teri, I really like it. Great job! I posted my list of blog preferences on my blog. Thanks for giving me the idea.

  6. well, now I want one !!! ;))))

  7. Great banner! I need to learn how to do this too...Jen

  8. VERY cool, Terry! And I love the colour!

  9. Great banner, Terry! Love the colours.

  10. Terry - The banner's fabulous! I've never seen a custom one on a blog (admittedly, I've only visited a few dozen). Great idea! (I actually get tired of all the white backgrounds, myself, so we differ there, but to each her own.)

  11. Fabulous banner.

    I am going to have to learn how to do this.

    And the proper word is: Geek. You are such a Geeky Girl.

  12. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The banner looks wonderful (especially this latest one with the white background) but Holy Guacamole! it took a l-o-n-g time to load. [Yes, I am still on dial-up and will be forever.]
