Saturday, July 24, 2010


Yesterday morning I headed out to meet my friend for our morning walk and was feeling a little lazy and unmotivated and, well, just not that into the idea of the morning walk. When I arrived at our meeting place Paula emerged from her car with a sly grin and a look in her eye. "Terry, I just passed some great-looking garage sales on my way over here—think we ought to check them out?" Without a second thought we were off.

Three hours later and about $8.00 poorer, I headed home with my loot. Paula did pretty well, too.

My best purchases:

I love this basket, which, at $1.25, was my most expensive single purchase. It's a great shape and quite deep. It would hold two bottles of wine and some other things (a baguette and a chunk of cheese?)  nicely. It would be great for carrying books and/or magazines, and I like the design. You can carry it by the handle and because it is narrower than it is wide, it won't bang against your leg when you walk with it.

Old scissors for my collection. Very nice, old barber's shears and little bitty scissors (about 3" long) in a classic style and shape. $1.50 for the two of them. They will hang on the wall of my studio with the rest of the collection.

Wrought iron stand for my terra cotta bird bath bowl. At our old house the bowl sat on a tree stump. Since we moved it has been empty of water and leaning, upright, against a tree in the back yard. I don't know what the original purpose of the iron stand was, but it works perfectly for the bird bath. $1. (I am not kidding you!)

Also found a brand new (tags still on) red twill jacket, a "Madeline" hat for Sofia and some doll clothes. I washed the Sofia hat and dried it in the sun yesterday. She has been wearing it all day today. The rest is waiting to be washed.

I can't remember the last time I had this much fun for less than $10!


  1. BIG time score! We have a pair of barber scissors like that, still very much in use.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time!

  3. I'm just catching up on all your blogs -- sounds like this interim period is just what you needed. Congrats on the yard sales and double congrats on the four leaf clovers. I still look for them, although I don't tell anyone.

  4. What a coup (or coups!). I've stopped going to garage sales but when Josh (now 11) was little, he used to love going with me and picking out toys to keep at my house.

  5. Boy,you really did score. I saw your Quilt at Long Beach Friday. Loved seeing it in person. It is fabulous.

  6. That's the very best kind of shopping. I once bought a lot of kitchen things at an estate sale, including a beautiful old rolling pin that has served me well. I always wonder what their owner was like.

    Great finds, all of them!

  7. I'm so jealous. Oh how I miss opj (other people's junk) shopping. I'm using the acrylic easel I got at your sale last year. Remember?

  8. Anonymous8:46 PM

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