Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Scenes from the super market—this is a true story
So I didn't need eggs. But as I was picking up a carton of cream I saw a woman coming toward me with two children trailing behind, whining and protesting about wanting something that the mother had apparently vetoed. As I started toward her, with my cart, she turned her head and barked over her shoulder for the kids to "get out of the way". With her head turned toward the kids, she pushed her cart, head on, with considerable force, into the refrigerated egg case. Suddenly the kids went silent, their eyes got very big and the mother mouthed the words, " Oh Nooooooo" and covered her face with her hands. Wanting no part of this mess, I quickly whipped my cart around the other direction and made a beeline toward the pasta aisle. A little later I came back by the eggs and saw a jumble of crumpled cartons with raw egg mournfully dripping into a growing, slimy puddle on the floor. Egg City disaster area. Mom and kids were nowhere in sight.
I was glad I didn't need eggs.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Tomorrow would have been my Dad's 85th birthday. I miss him very much.
Besides being my Dad he was one of the most interesting people I've known. He was a mechanical engineer and you could almost envisions little gears turning inside his head as he worked through a problem or a puzzle or invented a machine to do some mechanized task. He always had a mechanical pencil in his pocket and a gridded notepad on hand and he explained things in intricate little drawings, labeled with his neatly printed text. How I wish I had saved some of those drawings, but I took them for granted. We lived in Idaho and he designed machines for nearly all the potato processing companies. If you have ever eaten a french fry from a fast food restaurant or bought a bag of frozen potatos, it's a good bet they were probably produced by a machine my Dad designed.
Besides his work, he developed all kinds of creative interests—photography and wine-making for starters. The tale of the 20 bottles of wine that all exploded one night in the basement is a family classic. The log cabin he designed and built is still in use for great family get togethers. And every step of its construction was documented by his excellent photographs.
I ran across this picture the other day. At one point in Dad's life he became intrigued with Northwest Native American woodcarving and decided to give it a try. Like nearly everything he did, (with the possible exception of that one batch of wine!) this carved and painted whale is flawless.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
My Valentines

Sunday, January 21, 2007
What's going on at our house

Friday, January 19, 2007
Winter Bird

This is another small piece—9" square. The white snowflakes are embroidered, which was an exceedingly tedious final step, and something I don't normally do. In fact I nearly gave up on it as the initial flakes looked odd and out of character. I just had to trust that it would all come together, and I think it did. That piece of background fabric, with tiny stars and dots was wondrous. It was a freebie, compliments of my friend June Underwood and her front porch fabric giveaway last summer.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Inside, looking out

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Is it just me?

While I love most things fiber-related, I don't love this. It falls into the category of "just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should".
Or maybe it's just me.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Learning to use my camera

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Friday, January 05, 2007
First little piece of 2007
I made this small piece (about 8" x 8") to use for my Valentines this year. I send Valentines and a letter every year instead of Christmas cards and for the past few years I have made small fabric pieces to use on my cards. No, I won't make a gazillion little quilts. I will print small photos of this one quilt and mount them on a card. You may recognize the little mandarin orange. It was one of the last ones left from the bag Emily gave me before Christmas.
We are going to be gone for the first two weeks in February, so I want to get my Valentines ready before I leave. Sometimes I search and search for an appropriate quote to use on my Valentine. Sometimes I use song lyrics. This year I think the single word "Love" on the pictured heart will suffice. It seems to cover everything I want to say this year.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I resolve . . .

New Year's resolutions are easy to make and hard to keep, so I don't make them too often anymore. Four years ago Beth and I resolved to start walking at least 3 times a week. We usually walk 5 times a week and this week begins Year 5. I think it is the New Year's resolution I have kept the longest.
But January is a good time to nudge my good intentions. And maybe if I write them down here and make them public I will be more likely to follow through. So these are some changes I'd like to make in my life:
- I want to stop worrying. Nothing big, just general fretting, obsessing over "what ifs" in the middle of the night, fussing—worrying. Not sure how that will happen, but I'm working on it. I don't know where this habit of worry came from—life, I guess, but I do know by now, that worrying changes nothing and is an incredible waste of energy.
- Pay more attention to being healthy. Eat healthy. Continue to walk and even increase the amount of exercise I am getting. My first grandchild will be born in less than three months. I want to see her graduate from college and dance at her wedding.
- Get more sleep. Which actually means, turn off the computer and go to bed at a decent hour. 11 pm seems reasonable. I have always been a night owl, but it just isn't working that well for me anymore. Incredibly, even though I may be dead on my feet, it is hard to break that late night habit.
- Use the many sketchbooks I own more consistently. I know that drawing is a skill that requires constant practice and drawing is essential to the things I love doing.
- Find a really comfortable pair of shoes. That's not so much a resolution as it is a life quest. I just bought my first, ever, pair of Birkenstocks. Maybe they will be the ones. (I've said that before.)
Now I guess I better get busy on that Christmas candy so that I can move on. Really, I'm down to the dregs—nuts and hard peppermints mostly, but the maple sugar Santa Claus is almost too pretty to eat. I'm saving him for last, but his days are numbered.
Gotta go—it's my (new) bedtime!