Friday, June 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Becky

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Still doin' the wabi sabi

This was a larger piece that I showed (and sold) at the Japanese Garden show in 2003. I reuse ideas from time to time, but never in exactly the same way. I keep my sketches for just this purpose. Once I was asked to duplicate exactly, three small pieces that I sold at the Japanese Garden show for someone. I did it, but I found little pleasure in doing that.
Here are my littles using some of today's scraps.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Littles—waste not, want not

Sunday, June 24, 2007
More little treasures

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Little box of treasures

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wabi Sabi is kind of like the Hoky Poky

The theme is "Wabi Sabi" which is a concept we all seem to be struggling to wrap our minds around. Gerrie's idea is hilarious, but a very loose interpretation! Wikipedia says Wabi Sabi "represents a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centred on the acceptance of transience. The phrase comes from the two words wabi and sabi. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete"
They go on to quote someone named Andrew Juniper: "if an object or expression can bring about, within us, a sense of serene melancholy and a spiritual longing, then that object could be said to be wabi-sabi." I like the way that sounds, but I still am not sure whether my bird's nest quilt is Wabi Sabi.
I really like birds' nests. We have a lot of birds around our house and they build nests up in the eaves and on the porch pillars. When Ray is cleaning up in the spring and finds the old nests he has been putting them out on the porch. Here is the current collection. I love the way they look and how amazingly intricate they are. I'm pretty sure the real nests are Wabi Sabi.
I have a post up on the Ragged cloth cafe blog, where I am a contributor, about the murals of Diego Rivera. You can see it here: http://junomain.wordpress.com/
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Baby Duds

Once upon a time I sewed lots of baby and kid clothes. The summer before my son was born, Ray and I spent a month and a half in Moscow, Idaho where he was enrolled in a National Science Foundation summer program. We lived in the housemother's apartment in Ray's fraternity house. I took my sewing machine along and set up my sewing space in one of the empty dorm rooms and made baby clothes all summer. I took breaks and watched the Watergate hearings on TV in the lounge, until the few guys living in the house for summer school got home from class. Then they changed the channel and we watched Star Trek reruns. I had spent the previous school year teaching English and Art to 8th graders, a kind of Hell I wanted to put out of my mind, and this mindless summer of sewing and TV was exactly what was needed. I came home with a nice stack of flannel nightgowns and sleepers and diapers. Yes, I sewed my own fitted diapers. Over the years I made a lot of clothes for my kids.
So, this is my first effort for Sofia. I am clearly out of practice.
P.S. Christine asked about the pronunciation of Sofia's name. It is just like Sophia Loren. Sofia=Sophia. Same name. Sofia is the Spanish spelling—probably the Italian as well. Wikipedia says that Sophia Loren was born with the name Sofia Villani Scicolone.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Fathers Day

Sofia is lucky to have a Dad who loves her so much. A Dad who is so protective and concerned. A Dad who changes diapers and soothes the fussy baby. A Dad who gives her funny names, like "Chofie Rosa" and "Elmer Fudd" and when she wears her pink hat he calls her "Sofia Earheart, the famous aviatrix." I think she already knows how lucky she is. She loves his voice above all others. I have a feeling she has picked out a nice gift and card for him.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday—odds and ends
Friday seems like a good day for randomness, catching up, rambling. Here is a photo that I took in Mexico that I really love.
This was a stairway that went up between two buildings with beautiful blue and white tiles set on the risers of each step. Pattern junkie that I am, I have always loved tiles—especially Mexican tiles. Did you know that they have their design roots in Islamic art? Spain was invaded and occupied by the Moors (North Africans) from 710 AD into the 1400's. During this occupation the Islamic Moors had a tremendous influence on the art and architecture of Spain, including the intricately patterned tilework. Over the centuries the Spanish made subtle changes to the designs. When the Spanish conquered the New World, they brought that tradition of tilework with them and the Mexican potters imposed their own individual style on it.
Years ago, when we lived in Ashland, we added a solar sunroom to our house, with a tile floor. It was two steps down from the dining room and I wanted to face the risers with Mexican tiles that would be visible from the sunroom. I scoured three cities looking for Mexican tile and could find no one that carried them. (This was before the internet) One store said they used to be able to get them, but no more, however they still had a box of samples and said they would sell the samples to me cheap if I wanted them. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I took what I could get and used them, as you see above.
Several years ago when I was visiting my old friend and neighbor, Muriel, in Ashland, she introduced me to the woman who had most recently moved into our old house and she took me into the house to see the changes she had made to it—all good and tasteful updates. I was a little surprised to see that the Mexican tiles were still on the steps and I told her I had put them there. She said that was one thing she would never change. She said that was the final detail that sold her on the house.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
These are selling like hotcakes

This morning while waiting for my iced Americano, standing right next to the display, a pair of women came in and one stopped and pointed at the display and snorted, "Look at that! Who would buy that card? Who cares about Paul MacCartney!?" Her friend, clearly stung, said, "Well, I do!" I could not simply stand by silently, so I stepped forward and said, "So do I." "Do you have that card?" the first woman asked. I do and I pulled it out of my purse and proudly showed it to her. Beth, who had just arrived on the scene declared that she had one too.
So there.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Of course I do.

It was almost exactly 40 years ago, June, 1967. I had just finished my Junior year of college and my boyfriend and a friend of his and I were going to pick up my sorority sister, Carol. We planned to go out to the lake and swim. When Carol met us at her door she said, "come in for a few minutes and listen to some of this new Beatles album. It's so different . . ."
We began listening and it was like nothing we had ever heard before. Something very new. At the end of each song, one of us would say, "play it again, play it again." That music is now such a part of our culture that it is hard to hear it for what it was at the time. It seemed a whole new way of writing songs. A whole new sound. They were songs about "something". I remember, especially "She's Leaving Home." It was heartbreaking and real.
Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begins
Silently closing her bedroom door
Leaving the note that she hoped would say more
She goes downstairs to the kitchen clutching her handkerchief
Quietly turning the backdoor key
Stepping outside she is free.
She (We gave her most of our lives)is leaving
(Sacrificed most of our lives) home
(We gave her everything money could buy)
She's leaving home after living alone
For so many years. Bye, bye
We never made it to the lake that day. We played the album over and over until we knew the songs by heart. They have never left me. The sun went down and we sat on the floor in the dark listening until, finally, we drifted off to find food, humming "Lucy in the sky-yi with di-i-amonds. . ."
It was a sweet summer, with lots of talk of going to San Francisco (I didn't go, but that was reputedly where the action was) and working at the City Rec. Day Camp by day and hanging out with friends at night, listening to music, drinking beer, solving the problems of the world or dancing at the Cedars Club out south of town. It was a lull before the storm. We couldn't see it coming, but right around the corner the turmoil of 1968 was waiting. It was before the assassinations of MLK and Bobby Kennedy and the riots at the Democratic Convention and the election of Richard Nixon. None of my friends had gone off to Viet Nam yet. It was the summer of love and the summer of Sgt. Pepper.
Me, in 1967. Deep in conversation
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The Blahs

So, I'm just checking in. Nothing much to report. I'm reading blogs and sensing something. An epidemic of blahs? Or maybe I am over-analyzing.
At any rate, I do know remedies for the blahs. Finishing the laundry. Really. It's been sorted in the upstairs hallway for days and taunting me. Right now the last load is merrily bouncing around in the dryer. Music. I've had Miguel Bosé on my car CD player. He needs to come in the house. "Oof! Cafe!" And the best cure for the blahs that I know—a little Sofia, who will be spending part of each day this next week with us while Emily goes back to work for the last week of school. The sun will come out tomorrow!
P.S. Emily got an excellent job offer. I knew she would!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Back to the journal quilt

Did you know that crow eggs are green? I didn't. Now I do.
In other news, I learned that my Anne Frank piece, which is currently being shown with "She Made Her Mark, Too" (the rejects from the "She Made Her Mark" exhibit) at the Loft Gallery in San Pedro, California, was given an award as "Most Memorable Historical Pictorial". You can see the quilts and the show here: http://shemadehermarktoo.blogspot.com/ If you click on the photos you can see them quite a bit larger.
The sewing room cleanup continues. My eBay auctions are a surprise. Bids on most of the magazines. No bids on either of the quilts. The big surprise is the Gocco printing kit. It was up to $61 today and doesn't end until next week.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Getting rid of . . .

Saturday, June 02, 2007
Columbia Stitchery Guild Show

Friday, June 01, 2007
Dealing with the magazines

The next collection to be dealt with were years' worth of Piecework magazines. I ended up with lots of duplicates to make matters worse. They are beautiful magazines, but I haven't looked at them in years, nor have I bought one in years. Do you want them? Good news, if you do. I just listed all of these on eBay this afternoon. (Search on "Piecework magazine" and find the 5 listings from terryinportland.) Ahhh, that decision felt good! I am thinking of more things to put on eBay.
Each of the first three stacks of twelve magazines represent 2 years' worth. The last two are odd lots. The duplicate issues you see on the top of those two stacks are the number 1 issue from April, 1993. Those ought to be worth something.
I think it would be great to work for a magazine. I did, in fact, design magazines for a number of years. They were the magazines for the National Psoriasis Foundation and I really did enjoy that, but the subject matter was not as visually appealing as I would have liked, as you might imagine. This was the most glamorous issue I ever worked on with Miss Hawaii on page 1.