These all used to live in the laundry basket in the upper left. Furthermore, they were all stacked in there horizontally. The only way to find a certain piece was to start pulling everything out until you happened upon the right color. Messy. Very, very messy. The new scheme is to fold and file them vertically so you see all the colors at once. Also I put small pieces into the smaller container at the bottom. Maybe now when I need a wee scrap for a bird's beak or such I won't have to search through the entire contents of the big containers.
These solid color cotton fabrics represent, by the way, years of collecting. I used to sell fabrics, including Kona Solids and I kept a yard or so of each color. I still buy solids when I see them. They are really useful to me and very hard to find in the stores these days. I'd hate to have to dye all these colors as some people do. These are the basis for the fabrics I am currently stamping and screen-printing and discharging in fact.
This is just the beginning of getting my act together. Next I am moving on to print fabrics, then thread, then I'm going to organize all my patterns and drawings and then I need to get the paints out of plastic bags and shoe boxes. Oh, yes, then the magazines and all those glues and adhesives and and assorted things in bottles. Wow. I am tired just thinking about it. But I am getting my act together.
Just you wait . . .