The winners of thread sets from Connecting Threads are
Sue in Illinois and
Annemarie in New York! Congratulations. I hope you enjoy using this thread. Thank you to everyone who left a comment to enter. I wish I could send thread to all 302 of you! And if you are now wanting to try their thread, Connecting Threads is having a sale on their thread right now...
There were so many great ideas for storing and organizing thread. You all inspired me to do a little reorganizing of my own thread. I am still using the same drawers, but I added some dividers to a couple of the drawers to help corral the spools a little better. Doesn't this look better?
I cut the dividers from foam board and taped them in place. I now have all my large spools, mostly the Connecting Threads spools, in the top drawer, other brands of regular thread in the second drawer, specialty threads like rayons and embroidery threads in the third and variegated threads and cones in the bottom.
Someone said they wished they knew how to organize their bobbins. Here are mine:

I've had the blue donut bobbin holder for awhile. It holds bobbins for the machine I have used most frequently and I like it. I got an additional machine last year and its bobbins have been in a little plastic bowl and quite a mess to deal with just because I haven't gotten around to going out and buying another donut. Inspired by all this thread talk I stopped at Joanne's to pick up another donut last week and found the clear plastic bobbin case you see at the top. I really liked the looks of it and couldn't decide between another donut and this one. Finally, realizing that the case holds more bobbins than the donut made up my mind. And it was actually less expensive than the donut. (those donuts seem expensive for what they are...) I think it is going to work great. I noted that several people mentioned that they use the little holders that connect the bobbin to its matching thread. Good idea if you always use matching bobbin thread, but I don't. For quilting I usually use bobbin thread, which is thinner, which I have in off-white, gray and black. Sometimes I match the bobbin thread to the backing of the quilt. Rarely do I have the same colors top and bottom.
So, I think we have pretty much exhausted the subject of thread! (Hurrah, say my non-sewing friends and family who don't care about thread.)