Friday, May 20, 2016

May is speeding by...

Always a busy month with family birthdays, and all that getting-ready-for-summer stuff, like finding the sandals I stored under the bed last fall and getting a new shade for the west-facing kitchen window where the summer sun beats in and cleaning off the porch, which also included removing the crispy Christmas wreath (I can't be the only one...?)

"Desert Nights" was sold and sent off this week to join the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection, which is a happy thing. Del Thomas is a wonderful supporter of and promoter of art quilts and she shares her Collection and her knowledge so generously with the world. Selling a piece is pretty special to me—so affirming and such a good feeling to know others enjoy it beyond the pleasure I had in creating. When I sell a big piece, like this one I like to use some part of my proceeds to buy something a little indulgent—a piece of art, a special book or, this time, a subscription to a beautiful magazine. I have a real fondness for good magazines and they are so rare. Uppercase comes close to being the perfect magazine for me! My first issue arrived within days of placing my order.

I am savoring it. Each page is a beautiful composition.

See what I mean?

I have been working on a large quilt I can't really show until it is either accepted for or rejected from an exhibit, but it has been fairly arduous, and I am close to finishing and thoroughly sick of looking at it, as happens, so I took a short break to make a couple tiny (6" square) pieces based on what's blooming in the garden.

And I am thinking ahead to what's next. I have always loved and used stripes and wondered how many good ones are in my stash, so the other day I started sorting them out and found this big, unruly pile pretty inspiring!

I used a man's striped shirt in a fun way on the big quilt I am finishing up and it has pushed me back to the idea of stripes, so I started doodling on my iPad.

Hmmmm—branches, pine needles, bark, grass—variations on stripes?




  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Love your posts! May I follow for interest. Thank you, Claudia

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Terry. I do love your work, it is a thrill to add another of your quilts to the Collection. Sweet little flower quiltlets.

  3. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Congratulations on the sale of your quilt. I can understand how flattered you are to have your art in another person's collection. Your friend has very good taste!

  4. Congrats on your sale!

    That magazine looks really interesting.

  5. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Terry, thanks for the recommendation of UPPERCASE. Very attractive looking publication. Dusty Haller
