Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another Christmas Card

This must have been 1978. Another linoleum block print. Do you notice how I avoid the typical clear red and green "Christmas" colors? They do show up in some of my cards, but I always think it is much more interesting to use earthier colors, even for holiday cards. My taste in color hasn't changed a lot in the past 30 years.

Speaking of color, today is the day that the Twelve by Twelve group revealed our "Pink" theme pieces. If you have been following along, you know that we finished our two-year, 12 quilt project a couple months ago. Those 144 quilts will be the subject of a book. (so exciting!) We decided as a group that this project has been such a great experience that we wanted to go for another round of 12 quilts by 12 artists. This time around the themes will all revolve around color. Our organizer and inspiration for the whole project, Diane Perin Hock, chose the first color theme. Pink. Not a favorite color of mine. But here is my quilt. Go to the 12 x 12 blog to see all the pink theme pieces and read about how each one came to be. You will learn the story behind my St. Rose and her Pinking Shears.

This post, featuring my angel Christmas card and saintly challenge quilt reveals a secret about me. As a basically non-religious person, I have an odd fondness for saints and angels. I think there is something so appealing about the very idea of spirits who protect us, advocate for us, defend us. And they make for lovely images.


  1. I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE the story of your St. Rose. I am utterly in awe as I look at the things you create. How in the world did you add the subtle coloring to her face and her dress?

  2. She is fabulous and I love the PINKing sheers.

  3. Great simple cards I like that style.

  4. Barbara, I use watercolor crayons and/or pastel pencils to add shading and coloring to the fabrics.

  5. Love what you've done here, Terry, and the story behind it. And pairing pink with orange, and a splash of purple--brilliant!
