Friday, December 19, 2008

Tree #8

The swan tree. When I made these little trees, so many years ago, we were living in Ashland, Oregon. That is the home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the Black Swan Theatre and Lithia Park, where swans swim in the peaceful pond. Swans seemed to be a feature of Ashland, so I made one of my trees surrounded by swans. This is one of my favorites. Two trees left to reveal. Thank you for all the nice comments about the trees. It has been fun revisiting them.
Treat Yourself
My friend, Karen Miller, who lives in Corvallis and is a fellow member of High Fiber Diet, started a blog a couple months ago. Karen is an artist who uses the traditional Japanese art form called Katazome, which involves cutting the most delicate, intricate stencils which she uses to print silk fabrics. Treat yourself to a visit to her blog. It is exceptional. Her most recent entry is really especially beautiful.


  1. Anonymous11:46 PM

    This tree is pro'ly my favorite!


  2. I adore all 10 there any way you could share or sell the patterns? Perhaps like tracing the 1/4 as the Hawaiian type patterns are made?
