Happy Birthday, Emily!
Thirty years ago, today, my beautiful daughter Emily came into our lives. She is a joy—smart, funny, loving and hard-working. A year ago she married her handsome, Ecuadorean husband, Carlos Julio—we call him Cayo. After spending four years teaching in Quito, Ecuador, Emily and Cayo are moving to Portland this summer. We are very excited. The picture is of Emily and Cayo the day of their civil marriage ceremony. The formal wedding followed several weeks later, with us in attendance and we have many beautiful pictures, but I love this picture—don't they look happy?
On the day Emily was born I was exactly the age she is now. She has shared half of my life. She is my only daughter and my baby—and one of my favorite people in the world. We love you very much, Em, and wish you a great birthday.
Happy Birthday, Melissa!
The same day Emily was born, in Pocatello, Idaho, across the mountains in Jackson, Wyoming, her cousin Melissa was born. Melissa's dad is Ray's twin brother. We knew the babies were due within 10 days of each other, but were truly surprised (and thrilled) that they arrived on the same day.

Melissa is a beautiful redhead, the mother of a little girl and a baby boy and also a teacher.
Our family has loved watching the "twin cousins," Emily and Melissa, grow up and become amazing women. They were adorable at two, in matching T-shirts—Emily on the left, Melissa on the right.
Happy Birthday, Jessica!

On Emily's 8th birthday something very special happened. Another cousin, my brother's daughter, Jessica, joined the world.
Jessica is 22 years old today. She is a busy college student who also works at a decorating business, where I'm sure she charms everyone with her dazzling smile and her warmth and genuine interest in everything and everyone.
Who knew
May 23rd would be such a remarkable day?
Wow, a remarkable day indeed! Happy Birthdays all around!
ReplyDeleteThey sure are three gorgeous women. I can't wait to meet Emily!
ReplyDeleteWOW! That is very cool! And yes, Emily does look very happy in her photo!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Ladies!!! Such beautiful women who were such cute little girls.
Perhaps someday these three lovely young women can be together to celebrate their common birthay. May 23rd is a WONDERFUL day! This is the first year that I have not been with Jessica on her birthday. I guess that is an event that is supposed to happen at some point in the lives of parents. But I do miss Jess today. Happy Birthday Emily, Melissa, and Jessica!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the wonderful birthday wish! May 23rd happens to be my favorite day too! I didn't want to tell my mom on the phone this morning that I was lonely on my birthday, but your blog post made me feel closer to the family that I miss. Thanks again! Happy birthday Emily and Melissa!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mom,
ReplyDeleteIt has been a great day. Cayo got the protocol down this morning very well and it has been great at work as well. My friend Sharon gave me a satchet of New Mexican lavendar. How did she know?
I didn`t even mind late work and unmotivated students.
My daughter, Amanda and her cousin Jeanine (my husbands' sisters' daughter) were both born on May 23, 1973.
ReplyDeletePS: found your blog through the QuiltArt List and your liquifuse link.
Saw your 2009 post on planet-textilethreads and had to click on the link -- I'm a 23May "child" too... margaret in london