This is my Ann Frank quilt, hanging at PIQF (Pacific International Quilt Festival) in Santa Clara, California last week, with a bad, fold-y, crappy-looking bunch of creases across the lower part of her face. This picture was taken by Del Thomas, a blog friend, and used with her permission. Del, bless her, actually tried to un-bend and smooth it as it hung there. (In defiance of the white glove ladies!)
I know I have told the story of this quilt before. Made it for a show at the Quilters' Hall of Fame called "She Made Her Mark." It was rejected for that show, but landed in an also-ran group called "She Made Her Mark Too." I got word that these quilts were to be sent for a show at a California gallery and then they would be shown at PIQF. I seriously considered pulling it out at that point, when I learned that it had been deemed "macabre" by the original juror. Why send something macabre to horrify the good citizens of So. California? After deliberating I decided I would probably be a bad sport to pull it, so off it went—carefully rolled and padded to avoid creases and wrinkles, I must add. And then it won a prize.
I think it looked OK at the gallery show. I saw some pictures and didn't notice the crease. So I think somewhere between the gallery and PIQF it got rudely folded and manhandled for it to appear so mis-shapen and creased. Crab, crab. This feels disrespectful and careless and it bums me out and makes me crabby.
I have learned some lessons. I'm sure you know what they are. And did I mention that I'm crabby?
Grumble. Now I'm crabby too.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what to be first-crabby about the way your work was treated or pissed that someone would be shallow enough to find this piece "macabre". Sort of a shocking attitude by someone in the art community where there are usually people with depth and compassion found. Damn!
ReplyDeleteIf I was you, I would be crabby too. I would let the show "people" know you are not a happy quilter.
ReplyDeleteSince I am not you I can say your quilt is outstanding and I would look right past the bunch of creases.
Congratulations on winning a prize!
Oh, brother, Macabre? Ever see those day of the dead quilts? Or the 9/11 quilts with little sewn bodies falling out of the twin towers? Ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteBut I wanted you to know that I looked long and hard at your quilt at PIQF and I didn't see wrinkles or folds. Maybe Del had straightened it out by the time I saw it, or maybe I was too enthralled by the artistry to notice, but truly, it looked very good when I saw it. So don't get TOO worried...I think probably quite a few folks thought what I thought and didn't even notice a single wrinkle.
The only things macabre about this piece (which I found extremely respectful) are that judge and the disrespect with which the piece was handled. Talk about a bad taste in the mouth.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad Diane said she saw it at PIQF and it did not look wrinkled. Perhaps someone came by and gave it a quick steam.
ReplyDeleteIt is an absolutely wonderful piece.
I'm visualizing Ann steamed and unwrinkled. She deserves respectful treatment, and so do you.
ReplyDeleteThere were lots of pieces at PIQF that suffered from fold lines this year. I go every year and never noticed so many wrinkled quilts in the past.
ReplyDeleteYour piece was wonderful and I was moved by the quotation at the bottom. Whoever called this macabre must not know the definition of the word.