The theme of the first challenge is "Dandelion." This was my first idea:

Then I came to my senses and realized this was much too much for a mere 12" square piece. I started from scratch and simplified greatly. Then partway into it I had an idea of something to add to it that, for me, made it one of the most fun little projects I've done. But you must wait until after October 30 to see it. Meanwhile, here is a tease—just a little bit of the finished product.
You might want to head on over to the "Twelve by Twelve" blog before the reveal just to read and see what everyone has been doing and thinking all the way along. It has also been interesting to see and note how, since the theme was announced, we have all been seeing dandelions everywhere we look!
I was intrigued with the link earlier last week. I am amazed at the diversity and commonality of the group in so many aspects. How fun for you to be involved.