Just look what came in Saturday's mail! This small quilt was made by
Kristin LaFlamme, who lives in Germany and whose blog I enjoy reading. It all started in January when I posted a photo of a little
"winter bird" that I had made. Kristin emailed to ask if it was for sale. Her mother had just moved to Oregon and she thought it would be a good birthday gift for her. The problem was that someone else had already emailed me about buying the little bird and it was on its way. (This has
never happened before—I should
always be so lucky as to have two people interested in a piece the minute it is posted!) I gave it some thought and emailed Kristin back with a proposal. I have loved seeing the quilts she posts on her blog and I wondered if I were to make another similar bird piece if she would like to trade one of her house pieces. Yes, she said and the trade was on!
I went to Mexico for two weeks, so
the piece didn't get to Kristin's Mom on time for her birthday, but I sent it to her last week and she left a very sweet comment on the blog about how much she likes it. Now I have Kristin's piece and I really love it. Here is a closeup of the house section—isn't it just perfect? You can also see that she hand-embroidered a rose—actually a continuation of a rose printed on one of the sections of pieced fabric. So many things to love in this.

I am so impressed with Kristin's work and feel very fortunate to own a piece. If you want to see something really extra special, look at
this piece she is working on. I really love what she is doing. Thank you, Kristin!
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