When I was 17 I got contact lenses. (cue the Hallelujah chorus) I loved my contact lenses for 42 years. Loved them. Loved them.
About 10 years ago, give or take, I found that to read I needed a little pair of those reading glasses in addition to my contact lenses. As the years went by I needed stronger and stronger reading glasses. Finally, by last year, it got to the point that I couldn't read the caller ID on my phone without the little reading glasses. I couldn't dial my cell phone without them. I couldn't read my watch without the friggin' reading glasses. In addition, the contacts were starting to bother me and feel scratchy and itchy and dry.
I went to see my eye doctor who commiserated. He told me about bifocal options for contact lenses, none of which he thought would work very well for me. He said, he himself was also facing the prospect of giving up his contact lenses for glasses and he said it was painful, because "we baby boomers really love our contact lenses." We nodded sadly at one another. When he looked in my eyes he said I really did need to give my eyes a break from contacts. They were suffering a little "erosion" from the lenses. (Erosion? eeek!)

I thought I would try those all clear, no frame glasses, but when I tried them on the effect was just too schoolmarmish. The technician said, "You need a little color, Hon." She was pushing a metallic blue pair with a rhinestone at each corner, but I wasn't feeling it. Finally I spotted this purply little pair and asked to try them on. "Oh, those are sassy!" she said. Sassy it was.
I'm resigned. I've had them for awhile now and I can see pretty well, even my watch and cell phone. The graduated lenses were hard to adjust to and I think the peripheral vision sucks and when I look in the mirror it is still a shock. Getting old is not cool. I probably need to replace my picture up there at the right hand corner of the blog. That's the old contact lens me. Here's the new glasses me.