Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Wouldn' ya like to be a pepper too?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
To Bee or not to Bee
My decision to add the bee came fairly late in the process. As I have mentioned, I have been working on a super secret project, concurrently with the dandelion challenge. I still can't tell you anymore about the super secret project, except to say that at one point it involved a photo of a field of flowers, which upon close inspection, revealed that fuzzy little bee poised on one of the flowers. Somehow that bee resonated with me and I decided he really belonged on my dandelion. I have to tell you that I love that bee.
This bee has been hanging on my wall for a long time.
It's a limited edition poster by David Lance Goines, made for the Schneider Museum of Art where I used to volunteer in Ashland. I love all of his work and I love this one especially. Sometime, when you have a couple of hours to kill you should look at the work on his web site. You will probably recognize at least one or two of his posters, and will probably like a lot of them. This one is number 138. His style is very distinctive.
A couple months ago when I took the precious metal clay class I had to choose an image to stamp in silver and, once again, I found myself drawn to the bee.

Bees are incredible creatures, aren't they?— and essential to our life on this earth. Last Sunday there was a story on 60 Minutes about a beekeeper who has been observing the loss of vast numbers of bees to a mysterious disorder, and is linking it to pesticide use. If the trend continues it can have devastating effects on our food supply. Almost makes one want to start raising bees in the backyard.
Happy Birthday Andy

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Twelve by Twelve

Then I came to my senses and realized this was much too much for a mere 12" square piece. I started from scratch and simplified greatly. Then partway into it I had an idea of something to add to it that, for me, made it one of the most fun little projects I've done. But you must wait until after October 30 to see it. Meanwhile, here is a tease—just a little bit of the finished product.
You might want to head on over to the "Twelve by Twelve" blog before the reveal just to read and see what everyone has been doing and thinking all the way along. It has also been interesting to see and note how, since the theme was announced, we have all been seeing dandelions everywhere we look!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Close, but no cigar

I looked at every single web site you sent me and didn't find this exact light. What I especially liked about the one in the picture is that it does not have the typical ornamentation of this lighting style—no overlays, no leaded glass, no mica shade, but it does have nice substantial hardware, which appears to be copper, and the shade is plain glass. I liked the proportion of this one as well. It seems simple, but sometimes those are the hardest things to find.
I may have to settle for something else, in which case you all have given me some options. Thanks!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The House

That middle door leads to a bathroom. I am not a fan of bathrooms opening onto eating areas. (yuck!) This door will be closed off and another created from the utility room which lies beyond the door on the left. There will also be some small wall extensions built to better define the den area. And the half and half floor deal has to go. As you can see I am also facing serious wallpaper removal. I am something of an expert in that area.
Here's the livingroom. As my son-in-law observed, "these people really liked blue." Yes, they did. I do not.
Those godawful draperies were actually custom-made. I had assumed that the blue sections on the bottom were added to make storebought drapes longer. Nope. They were intentionally planned that way. In an odd way I am glad that I don't like any of this stuff. It gives me permission to choose only things that I do like and not have to adapt to someone else's taste. (Well, except for Ray, but he's easy!)
I have a feeling you'll be seeing a lot of this project.
P.S. I am trying to find a light fixture like the one in this picture. If anyone can tell me where I can find it I will send you this moon postcard.

Monday, October 22, 2007
Seven more things

- My smallest toenails are so tiny that they barely exist. It creeps people out. That's why I like sandals that have a strap that covers my little toes. Impossible to put nail polish on them.
- I once dated a boy who was also named Terry. We were in the 7th grade and did not seriously contemplate marriage.
- I swallowed a silver and turquoise earring (my grandmother's) when I was a baby. It never reappeared, if you catch my drift. Do you suppose it's still in there somewhere?
- I broke my arm by falling off a chicken coop at age 8. I was supposed to start swim lessons the next week, but couldn't. I didn't learn to swim until I was 27 years old. I hate swimming.
- I only make my bed if I think someone might see it. It seems like such a waste of energy. I just sort of pull the covers up as I emerge from the bed. If someone shows up unexpectedly and happens to walk by the bedroom door I say, "Oh my gosh, I've been so busy this morning I haven't even had time to make the bed!" Fortunately the bedroom is upstairs so this has only happened a couple of times.
- I worked as a camp counselor during the summers when I was in college. We all had camp names that we went by. Mine was "Sparky." Don't call me that.
- I have fillings in nearly every tooth. I made sure to give my children flouride when they were babies. As adults they have perfect filling-free teeth. See, I did something right!
Done. Are you sorry you asked? I'm not tagging anyone else.
Sunday, October 21, 2007

This is my Ann Frank quilt, hanging at PIQF (Pacific International Quilt Festival) in Santa Clara, California last week, with a bad, fold-y, crappy-looking bunch of creases across the lower part of her face. This picture was taken by Del Thomas, a blog friend, and used with her permission. Del, bless her, actually tried to un-bend and smooth it as it hung there. (In defiance of the white glove ladies!)
I know I have told the story of this quilt before. Made it for a show at the Quilters' Hall of Fame called "She Made Her Mark." It was rejected for that show, but landed in an also-ran group called "She Made Her Mark Too." I got word that these quilts were to be sent for a show at a California gallery and then they would be shown at PIQF. I seriously considered pulling it out at that point, when I learned that it had been deemed "macabre" by the original juror. Why send something macabre to horrify the good citizens of So. California? After deliberating I decided I would probably be a bad sport to pull it, so off it went—carefully rolled and padded to avoid creases and wrinkles, I must add. And then it won a prize.
I think it looked OK at the gallery show. I saw some pictures and didn't notice the crease. So I think somewhere between the gallery and PIQF it got rudely folded and manhandled for it to appear so mis-shapen and creased. Crab, crab. This feels disrespectful and careless and it bums me out and makes me crabby.
I have learned some lessons. I'm sure you know what they are. And did I mention that I'm crabby?
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Like a wheel within a wheel.
Never ending or beginning,
On an ever spinning wheel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnaval balloon
Like a carousell that's turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on it's face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind
She has an interest in symbolism in art and asked us to bring work with symbolic content. I took two pieces, including the one above, called "Earth, Sun and Moon." These pieces were done several years ago and have symbolic content. When I made that piece I was thinking about the significance of circles as symbols of the cyclical nature of things. Perhaps at my age I am beginning to see how we seem to circle back to ideas, people, experiences. The name of the piece came, not so much as a literal reference to the earth, sun and moon, but the idea that humans, like planets and stars, travel in their own orbits, circling, moving toward others, then away and eventually back into proximity. These mandala-like circles represent to me, also, a whole made from many parts. Patterns that combine to form new patterns and circles within circles within circles. Count the sections of each circle and you will find it has been divided by 12, —months or hours—symbolic of time.
The circle is the perfect expression of infinity, continuity and connection. It has no beginning and no end. This perfect geometric shape symbolizes perfection and wholeness.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The hardest working baby in show business

Isn't it incredible all the things a baby learns in their first year of life? Sofi is learning to crawl and it is very hard work. She spends hours on the floor pulling herself up onto her hands and knees and then rocks back and forth for awhile, then sets her sights on a toy and exerts all her energy and concentration on getting to that toy. Usually her efforts move her backward, instead of forward, so she scootches herself around, rolls over a couple of times and voila! she has her toy. But this is the interesting part—even though the rolling and scootching is what finally got her to her goal, a few minutes later she's back up on her hands and knees and trying for the crawl once again. Such admirable persistence in one so young.
This has been going on for about a week. Today she was finally able to achieve some forward motion by swinging one leg out to the side and pushing against the floor. Not yet a crawl, but headed, literally, in the right direction.
She does this with such concentration and determination, she eventually exhausts herself and gets slightly frantic. Then she gets a little weepy and needs a little comfort and a nap. I'm telling you, babies work a lot harder than most of the rest of us.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
High above the city

I am sorry for people who have a fear of heights and don't enjoy being up high. You get such a different perspective on things. Ray and I always seem to want to see things from above wherever we go. It's just a thing we do. The last time we went to Ecuador we rode the new tram system, called the Teleferico, in Quito. It goes to the top of the volcano Pichincha. Dizzying elevation there. You can see our pictures here. We discovered this mutual interest in high-up views early in our marriage on a trip to Europe. Some of the places we climbed were to the top of Notre Dame, to the top of the bell tower in Florence and to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa. (I don't think you can do that anymore and it was very disorienting.) We've been to the top of the Empire State Building several times and I'll never forget the view from the top of the World Trade Center. I'm glad we did that.
Happy Birthday Gerrie!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The moon

Sunday, October 07, 2007
One man's trash . . .

A tiny little part of the lighting department—if you're lighting an '80s style pizza parler it looks like you've come to the right place
The plumbing area is awesome—nifty pedestal sinks and I'm enamored of the matching red sink and toilet. Wonder if there's a red tub out there somewhere...
The loading and unloading area. I love the way they've used mismatched recycled doors and windows in the building of the center.
This is such a great idea and both places were crawling with people hauling stuff away. One woman was buying three huge mirrors—probably each one was 8' square, more or less. I wondered what she was going to do with them. There were several brass chandeliers each as big as my dining room—seriously! They must have come out of a ballroom or big hotel. The kitchen cabinet area is immense. I kept seeing great possibilities for studio storage and work surfaces in there.
We were just looking and getting ideas. I'm not sure we will be able to find anything to use. There's so much there it is hard to focus. I had visions of finding a wonderful, carved mantlepiece or something along those lines. Didn't see anything like that, but that doesn't mean it won't be there the next time!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Hangin' out with Grandpa

Ray loves babies and this one above all. They are good pals as you can see. I bought the black T shirt and black and white striped leggings on one of our trips this summer. (The red & white onesie was added for warmth.) Ray said I was going to make her look like a French mime. I can't even tell you how much fun it is to buy baby duds, and how much cuter they are these days than when my kids were babies.
You've probably noticed that I haven't shown any artwork in a long time. I am actually working on some things, but they are for a super secret project that I am sworn not to reveal for awhile, except to taunt you all with the phrase super secret project! I am also working away on Farmer Girl and will post some more pictures of that project before long. Meanwhile you'll just have to make do with the beautiful Sofia.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

We drank a toast to our friend, Louise, who had been such an integral part of the group and a dear and funny soul. She passed away several years ago. Then we caught up with families and children and grandchildren and who had moved and shared what we knew of those who couldn't make it.
Virginia spoke for all of us when she said, "Quilting has given me a wonderful life. How else would I have known so many incredible women?"
Monday, October 01, 2007
Wish I was there

Remember when we went to my brother's cabin in Idaho in July? This was the view from the cabin last week. Ray went back over to help Steve try to finish the unfinished side of the roofing job that was started in July. I stayed here to take care of Sofia and do some other things, and with the way the week turned out, I was glad I was here, not there. But when Ray showed me this picture that he took last week, I wanted to be there right now. Beautiful, isn't it?
They didn't finish the roof. It started snowing, so, on second thought, I guess I really don't want to be there after all. I just want to think about being there and share this beautiful picture with you. There was something about this picture that just made me feel more peaceful than I have for a week. And I am really glad to have Ray home.