Sunday, December 14, 2008

Paper tree #6 and a snowy day

Santas carry a tree, loaded with decorations. You can see those staples here pretty clearly.

And today we woke up to this.

Mid-morning I ventured out to the grocery store and took a few pictures on my way to the car.

It has been snowing steadily all day. There is a lot more snow out there right now and it's still coming down. This kind of storm is so unusual here, but if you don't have to be anywhere and you aren't worrying about someone who is traveling, it is peaceful and beautiful. (I may change my tune if it goes on for days—) Emily and Cayo's family from Ecuador arrived last night ahead of the storm and Emily had a big dinner today. I'm so glad we now live so close to them. It really was a lovely day in so many ways.


  1. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Just beautiful! Thank you for the photos. It is quite cold here in the SF Bay Area but not cold enough to snow...luckily!

    Libby Fife

  2. for the time being we have your weather and I plan to hold it hostage.
    I'm really enjoying your trees and that bridge is so lovely.

  3. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I continue to be amazed at your ability with sissors. How long does it take you to cut? I supposed there must be some sort of you draw anything first?

    By the way, thank you for the restrauant recommendations for Thanksgiving. We ate at the Portland Bar & Grill and really enjoyed every moment of our time in Portland.

    susan in spokane

  4. Anonymous10:25 PM

    wonderful photos, Terry. Garrison Keillor says that this is the kind of weather that allows you to send regrets to any party you don't want to go to -- and if you go, everyone will be extra nice to you because you've traveled through the weather to get there.

    Me, mostly I'm thinking of staying home. Another storm is coming on Wednesday.

  5. Terry,

    The photos of the snow are wonderful. What a lovely spot of the world you have.

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I love snow... from here in Bakersfield, California! My parents are in Wisconsin and have been telling me all about their latest blanketing. Thanks- but no thanks hehehehehe.
    The trees are really quite stunning! Such intricate detail work. There is a place on my mantel reserved for any extras you can't find a home for.
