The Oregon countryside is beautiful and so very, very green this time of year. The Grange is next to the old Kinton Schoolhouse that is literally falling down. What an interesting old building. Too bad it has been left to decay so badly.

Days like this make me wish for summer and spur me to plant flowers and clean off the deck, though it is too cold to sit on the deck for very long. I had a gift certificate at the Portland Nursery, so we drove across town, making a stop at IKEA for lunch and a few items, then spent way more than my gift certificate at the nursery and came home and planted some of the porch and deck pots.
One of my purchases at IKEA was a frame for my green eggs photo from the other day. I ordered a print and knew if I didn't get it framed and hung right away I would forget where I put the print or forget the whole idea altogether, so it is done. I love ordering prints from digital photos online. I can sit right here, order the print and about an hour later drive over to Walgreen's and pick it up. Hasn't photography changed dramatically in the space of what seems like just a few years? Used to be I'd have a roll of film in my camera for so long that by the time I got around to having it developed, which took about a week it seems like, I didn't even remember what pictures I had taken. From a roll there might be three or four worth doing something with and several totally worthless shots of the ground or the sky and a bunch of "who cares?" shots of the backs of people's heads at a parade, etc. Now I can crop and improve just the photos I want prints of and have them in my hand the same day.
So, here is the egg photo framed and hung. It is right below my son-in-law's little painting of the old houses along the river in Cuenca, Ecuador, his hometown. He gave it to me when he and Emily were dating. When I measured it for a frame I found that the stretched canvas he purchased in Ecuador did not correspond with any standard frame size here once I got it home, so I had to have a frame made for it. I can tell you it cost about 7 times what the IKEA frame did. I hate spending a lot of money on frames, but I like things to look good. I like the clean lines of the IKEA frames and the price is certainly right.
The eggy image is perfect - nice frame, too. I am surprised that granges are still to be found. After WWII my maternal g'ma would sometimes take me to the grange with her and put me to work threading needles for the quilters. Listening to their gossip was an education for a little girl.