Last night after I got home from Seattle I looked at the photos I took and found an incomplete story picture-wise. I missed taking pictures of things that were important and then my batteries died and I didn't have new ones to replace them. If you want to see pictures that tell the story go to
Gerrie's blog.
We went, of course, for the
APNQ Show, which happens every two years. Gerrie and I each had a quilt accepted to the show this year. I love that this show even exists. It filled a void in the northwest when it was created and it has grown to be a large, prestigious show.
I have had my frustrations with it and we had some frustrations this time around as well, but I have to agree with the people who have been reporting that it was the best show yet this year. The best part, for me, however, is just the train trip to Seattle with my friends.
After we arrived Friday evening we made our way down to the Seattle waterfront and had my favorite Seattle dinner of Alder smoked halibut and chips and a cold glass of beer.

Gerrie is patiently waiting for everyone to join her
This sidewalk eatery hasn't changed in the 30 or so years I have been coming to it. Best fish I've ever eaten. We sat at the picnic tables, with a roll of paper towels for napkins and watched the seagulls and what appeared to be a wedding party boarding a small cruise ship right next to the pier. Later we walked down the pier and watched the sunset over Elliott Bay.

The next morning we found the Convention Center where the show was and located Gerrie's quilt,

and my quilt.

I am always struck by how small my work, which seems plenty big to me, looks when it hangs in a show like this. These shows really showcase large and bedsize quilts. The smaller ones tend to look a little random and motley. Gerrie's seemed especially dwarfed by the larger one next to it. I would wish for a more sensitive eye when they hang the art quilts.
We found my sister-in-law,
Jamie Grant and her business partner, Sue Ann at their booth and made plans to meet them for dinner. (Why didn't I take a picture of them and their colorful booth?!) Jamie did not tell us that her amazing Delft Tiles quilt had won a third prize in the hand applique division.

Amazing, no?
About the time we were starting to want lunch, my sister Becky arrived at the show and we all headed across the street to the Cheesecake Factory.

Becky and me

Here's my lunch. Someone pointed out that my salad matched my hair!
More about the Seattle weekend tomorrow—